Monday, June 18, 2012

email: June 18, 2012

So I got my new comp this week. His name is Elder Larson and he was actually trained by Chambers! So we do a lot of things the same way. We have had an interesting first week together. We taught 10 lessons, had two drunk people yell and swear at us saying that we are frauds, gave a lot of service, found three new people to teach and I confirmed three people in sacrament meeting. Needless to say, we have been running around being as productive as possible.

The first drunk guy was actually Adam's cousin (a less active guy we have been teaching). Adam told us to come over that evening for a lesson with him and his girlfriend. When we got there, he wasn't there. His cousin then pulled up with Adam's buddy and he started to talk to us. He was using the F-bomb every other word and swearing like a sailor. He told us that he was super unhappy and how Mormons are always happy. He was pretty drunk and we just listened to him rant and rant. Then the next day, we were over at Mary's for dinner and she had one of her "friends" over. She sees us and started to LAY into us. We sat there and took it all. She told us that there is no God, He doesn't exist and how Mormons are so wrong. Elder Larson read her one of the articles of faith that talked about how we let everyone worship and honor as they please and that lady blew up. She told us that she spits on the church building when ever she walks by it. Mother, you have NO idea how close I came to standing there in her face and going off on her. Luckily, I listened to the Spirit and He told me to keep my mouth shut so I did. I came so close to doing something I shouldn't have. I guess I am growing up because I wouldn't have held my tongue like I did.

We seem to attract a lot of service. We love doing it and it is really starting to show in the community. Random people will honk and wave at us and we don't even recognize who they are! Something kinda weird though happened when we were helping Adam move out of his house. His girlfriend kept flirting with me and it made me SUPER uncomfortable. So needless to say, we will limit the amount of time that we spend there. Giving service is something I love to do. Me enjoying service? Haven't changed one bit ;)

We have taught a lot this past week. While we were out tracting, we found a family that we are going to start seeing. They invited us back and we had a really good lesson with them. We are really excited to see them progress in the Gospel. They are three brothers ages 9, 11, and 34. The 34 year old brother is actually a movie producer and a nurse. He has written two movies that will hopefully becoming into real productions soon! We have met all sorts of fun people here. We had another lesson with Jessica and Demetrius. We took a member with us to the lesson, which was a HUGE help. He helped us analyze the lesson afterwards. Jessica isn't progressing like we want her too but Demetrius is still going strong! I did, however, run the idea by President about him baptizing her. He said that we are discouraged to do that so that they can make those covenants on the same day. However, they are still excited about being baptized. I think we are going to focus our efforts on Demetrius so we can get him ready for July 13th.

So on Sunday, I confirmed for the first time on Sunday. I didn't only do it once, but THREE TIMES! Oh boy was I nervous! I thought that the Bishop was going to do it but when we got ready to do it, he told me to do it. My heart was going to literally pound out of my chest! I don’t think I have ever been that nervous in my life. The blessings went well, I just have never been that nervous in my life! 

I sure did miss Dad on Sunday... I always do but it was hard to not be there with him. Hopefully he got my card in the mail this week!

Things are going well here and I am starting to see myself become into the missionary I want to become. I am actually learning how to play the ukulele at night. I love it! It is super super fun. I also learned how to back flip on flat ground today too! Luckily, I didn't hurt myself too bad ;). Have a great week!

Elder Tonini

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